Sunday, July 14, 2013


A poacher was trampled to death earlier this week by the Elephant he was attempting to poach. My advice to poachers, "Stick with eggs!

Educational Foundation

A skit where the founder of Harvard comes to present day and is amazed by the number of universities and students. To his dismay existential problems remain unsolved.

"But what happens when we die?!?!?"

Correct me when

I'm an exception to the rule, "every lesson has a fool". To accept this new connection means my blessing is a jewel. Just respect me as I pull, a little extra off the wool, off of eyes too disguised to correct me when I bull

Make Love

making love is fighting death


I ask you the capital of Alaska and Juneau even know it.
Best original screenplay in 2008, Juno even know it

I Done Did Dat

A drinking game similar to never have I ever, except instead of things you haven't done you say things you have done. If other people have as well they say " I done did dat" and don't drink. If no one else has done the deed, the suggester drinks

Bad Segue

This is my impression of a bad Segway? Jump on mic stand and act out of control Segway to falling off cliff.
So, speaking of death...

Yellow Pages

How will the yellow journalism on the Internet reflect the evolution of yellow journalism in print

I think

Something you might not have known about me before tonight. I exist.


A t-shirt cannon can get you to the front of any venue

Fight the Crowd

I like to fight the crowd to the front and then turn around the best view is all of the people