Monday, January 6, 2014

letter of complaint

There are many people living cloistered lives where they try to convince themselvess that it is normal but naturally they need some form of release. When they are lashing out against something they are religously or philisophically opposed to, sometimes in reality they are getting the only contact they are allowed with a taboo subject. I think that people who write letters of complaint are getting off, looking for parts within a show that arouse them and then having an excuse to write the down and recall particularly salacious moments. Its like fan fiction for the cloistered. there should be more awareness brought to this so that they can change outlets and we can have fun. actually i like the balance, if there wasn't someone to make a line, how could we tow it? A great character to flash to when the main show is close to the line.

Diet newspaper article

The way nutrient % are calculated is making people fat. "the EAR (estimated average requirement) daily intake is not a goal but rather a tool" to set the amount the take the median of people (so half get too much half not enough) at a level right below "a specific indicator of excess". The reccomended diatary allowance is set to be at this level for 98-99% of people or 2SD above the already excessive EAR.

Hardwood floors

Ask the girls if the carpet match the curtains she said yes and asked the same back to me I said no carpets I just got that hardwood