Monday, July 31, 2017

Ice cream cone  is my new standard measure distance

Give homeless people boom boxes with only your favorite songs loaded on.

In asian insant noodle world. What flavor does orange represent?

When are Mike and Ikes going to get in the bag candy game?

I feel bad for the "Worthers Original" brand. Not a lot of room for innovation. You can't really come up with a new spin, you can't do cherry worthers originals.

Needs work. Not sure if its worth it

I think I like bugles so much it's messing with the microeconomy of my local grocery store

Ask Mike if he would do a speaking tour for cross cut laminate.

Watching scotty grow
Uta hagen
Clarence Thomas Long Dong Silver
gil jankowitz
Sargasso sea
Marshall holman, johnny petraglia, carmen salvino
Andrea true, more more more
Red Adair