Sunday, March 27, 2016

I believe in wherewolves. Have you heard of The Island of Dr Moreau? What about Josef Mengele? And how do you think modern medicine compares with 1942?
Expand premise to modern day sci-fi in an "exercise in youthful blasphmy"
Island of taboo/blasphmy? Human mutation? Genetically modified humans? Early human genetic experiments? Photosynthesis (violet you're turning violet) transexuals, extra-sensory? What are the limitations? Cyborg or bio-mechinacal? Can only affect a certain percentage of the genome. Conflict, scientist is on the verge os a potentually nefarious but well intentioned breakthrough but gets trapped by his own creation (frankenstein, nobel, heart of darkness)
Cyborg Moreau?
What is the perspective of the main character/limited narrator? Heart of darkness or frankenstein, (what is the fear, being mutated (loss of identity) or losing control?)? What about gattica? Planet of the apes? Which would be better for Paul Allen? What if I wrote four short stories, Frankenstein/Jurassic Park, apocolypse now, planet of the apes, and gattica?
Lord of the flies, black stallion? Constitutional Convention?

Hms beagle for 2, black stallion, frankenstein, jurassic park, island of dr moreau, apocolypse now, lord of the flies, x men, constitutional convention, planet of the apes, gattica.
Each chapter from a different character's perspective.


Kiss my little elephant dick before I'm celebate. Sell a brick and fiddle in hell just for the hell of it.

Anne Mcclain is my schwartz cousin
Keith Robinson is a schtumping Danny Glover
