Tuesday, August 24, 2010


What is more important for the advancement of society, the ability being able to explain a process, or the ability getting the correct answer?

The Money Taboo

There is this economic principle called "The Money Taboo" which basically states that in many cultures it is taboo to discuss an individuals income/expenses. One of the negative results of this taboo is an increase in frictional unemployment because workers are unaware of how much better the job across the street pays, because it is never discussed in polite conversion. I think people should actively attempt to change our culture, in order to improve the economy for the working class. People who make excessive amounts of money will be ashamed, people who make less than competitors will be motivated, and the minimum wage will become more effective as a tool for raising other low wages and benefits.

Coming of Age

I define the "coming of age" period as the time when a youth realizes that they can create their own opinions. At first these opinions are half-hazard, unoriginal and often conflicting. This can lead to poor, misguided and/or confusing actions.
Some youths go through this period briefly and instead of finding their own path, just latch on and imitate those people they look up to or consider successful, frequently parents.


I started writing a eulogy for my dad and then I stopped because I realized how morbid it was. Then I thought that the stuff I had written was pretty good and I might as well hold onto it because I was going to need it eventually. This last thought was so morbid that it convinced me to completely destroy what I had written. But I didn't.

Learn Your Craft

Every day should contain within it at least one attempt to improve at your craft. Otherwise can you truly claim to be passionate about it? I think everyone should have this level of passion towards at least one thing.

Reality Shows

I think that reality shows are just examples of Utopian societies. They allow for the viewing into a world where the larger more important problems are removed and trivial problems are amplified in importance to take their place.

Shallow People

The "shallow people" who don't examine their lives don't really need to examine themselves because they are shallow and boring anyways. I realize this is a circular definition.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Named for Success

I wonder if people named after famous people are more likely to become successful in the areas that they were named after, even if they achieve a normalized level of success in the other fields. That's why I'm naming my kid (JOKE)


I think that it is interesting that as different as people are, we all derive pleasure from almost the exact same activity.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Carpool Coordinator

I think a good idea for a website would a carpooling website that would maximize carpool efficiency. Each person would enter in their home location where and when they need to go and when and where they would be willing to drive. If a large enough community were to use this service I think that it could become enormously efficient. Benefits included, decrease in traffic, less necessary road construction due to expansion and wear in the roads, increased community atmosphere, saves time for people not driving as they could engage in other activities.

Pay Scale Crimes

I think that fines and criminal penalties should be scaled up and down for income and life expectancy.

Beautiful People

I think that all people are too complex not to be inherently beautiful.

Extremes vs. Moderation

Does society prefer individuals who live lives of extreme highs and lows or ones of moderation, assuming that they average out the same. Which is better from the perspective of the individual.


I have a theory that if you add up all the good things and all the bad things in the universe it adds up to zero. I apply this to many things, but mainly for luck and emotion. The amount of good luck and bad luck that an individual has over their lifetime should add up to zero in the end, as probability would suggest. Therefore, you shouldn't be disappointed when you experience something that is unlucky, because it just means that you will experience an equal amount of good luck in the future. For emotion the amount of happiness (aka positive emotions) a person has is equal to the amount of pain (aka negative emotion) they experience in their lifetime. This happens because of how we adjust to our surroundings. If we become used to something good happening then its happiness strength is less. This also makes it so that if something bad happens instead, the strength of that negative feeling is stronger to counterbalance.

If emotion does add up to zero then it would help to prove an additional theory of mine. I believe that people who use drugs, injecting happiness artificially, will experience an additional amount of negative emotion as the scales of emotion are forced to counterbalance leaving with a net total of the same amount of total pleasure and pain. So if you chose to use drugs you are just deciding to have larger swings of emotion rather than a more constant an moderate level. As a person who usually doesn't have a very large swing of emotion it is one of my reasons to use as I am often jealous of people who experience larger ranges of emotion as I feel it is a better way to live life.

Friday, August 13, 2010

New Holiday

I think that the voting day should be on a national holiday so there would be more incentive and avilibilty to vote on that day.

Inmate Internet

I think it would be a cool social experiment to give all inmates in a prison personal computers and internet access and see what they do with their time. All it would do would be to give them the power of knowledge and communication. Maybe they would become beneficial members of the internet community, or maybe they would all join 4chan.

Comic Photo Book

A comic book with live pictures instead of graphic art.

The Big Unit

Randy Johnson is a great name for a porn star.

Cluttered Life

Life has too many layers of detail and context to easily capture in art without appearing cluttered.

Lollipop Head

People shouldn't have hair if they want someone to come close with their mouth. Hair should be used as an out of bounds line. This is why I grew a beard, to keep all kissing centered on the mouth. This is also why I don't care about armpit hair. I think guys who shave themselves bald like to have their heads licked like lollipops.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Flower Stampede

When animals walk through the forest, do they try to avoid trampling pretty flowers?

Memory Overlay

I should make a list of the most common human experiences.


"I am prepared for amazing things to happen" - Me You and Everyone We Know

Indications of Failure

Before you initiate a plan, you should ask yourself, "If I were to do this, what would be signs of impending failure". Also, continue to ask yourself this question throughout execution.

Making Paper

When a tree is cut down 8% of that tree becomes pulp and that 8% pulp represents 4% of the tree's value. Pulp, as used for paper, is essentially a waste product, if it were not turned into paper in many situations would just be burned. No tree farming companies harvest for the primary purpose of paper, although there are subcontractors who certainly sub-specialize.

Given a Point

Being a skilled artist requires attention to which details should be included. Art can be a simplification of truth through focus. Artists can decide the focal point.

I Think I Can: The Business Man

If rappers really live extravagant lifestyles, to them, are most songs about average days? If I were to rap in a similar style, would it be about going to the office and working on spreadsheets. It can be entertaining to hear the stories of people living out your fantasies. I wonder if many rappers believe in self actualization.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

When is Possible

Could this have been made in any era, or only now?


I leaned that when people have a difficult decision to make they usually chose the decision that is already made for them.

Wake Up Facing a Wall

Life will find a point to awakened you to limitations of potential, in societal, physical, and psychological forms. This usually happens at puberty and 40.