Thursday, December 29, 2016

First person side scroller

Stat is short statim which is latin for immediately. That's how fast a doctor needs a scalpel, immediately isn't quick enough.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How long is the time between when you think "something bad happened to my tooth" and actually calling a dentist.

If you found $100,000 what would you do with it?
Give it to my grandma.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Masturbate in the shower because its the only place warm enough.

Two different guys in Bellingham drinking mimosas in a sports bar

Reasons you would eat fries for breakfast. Woke up too late for McDonald's breakfast but didn't realize till in drive through,  pregnant, Canadian

As a punt returner,  if its an obvious fair catch take two steps back and it might hit the back of a defender

Why at the VFW is there an emphasis on foreign.  Is it not for civil war veterans?

David koechner as the ambler in the rhald dahl lighter short story

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Costume gimick screams lack of self confidence.

Texture nodes on phone screens for use without looking and quicker accuracy.

I don't make the rules i just enforce them. Saturday James makes the rules and you know what today is? Thursday. So, if you  would like a rule change you will have to petition Saturday James for that decision.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

What is Christmas and how do I marry it?

"Merry Everything! " card vs.
"Marry Everything! " card

Were the hottest girls in highschool ever  the cheerleaders in real life?

you (...) as beautiful as you look you sing as beautiful as you look you shoot as beautiful as you look

Do you think bill Clinton behind closed doors ever said "grab them by the pussy"

Ask Bill Clinton and Tiger woods,  "what points in your life when quality of pussy being thrown at you went up by the most."

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

How Boeing sees Trump. "It's a difficult responsibility That you accept from the number-one lawmaker, me Have it known throughout the land from sea to sea There'll be no more toymakers to the King!"

New Jim Crow:
Cant vote and wear Jordan's
Have to...

Do you think when Trump gets inaugurated he will change his twitter handle to PresidentDonaldTrump?

My employment application asked if I was a runaway.

Monday, December 5, 2016

I like to play games with ironic bravado. It doesn't work as well if you win.

Play a game where you try to guess someones name just by looking at them. Once names are locked in, shout out your guess and see if the person turns.

What do you think about medical experiments on humans.
What should the limits to medical experiments be?

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Any time you would say "shit" instead say "shoot".
"I almost shoot my pants"
"What a piece of shoot"

Saturday, December 3, 2016

There aren't very many half indians.
What race is the least mixed?

Friday, December 2, 2016

Gross world product in 2016 is projected at $75.21 trillion US military value 17.5 Trillion 1.5 million employees 800 bn annual budget United States was the world's largest exporter of major arms, accounting for 31 per cent of global shares citizen gun laws are hypocritical no amount of citizen guns could beat the us military

Thursday, December 1, 2016