Friday, September 26, 2014

Big Brother in the High Castle

Calling someone who is Chinese, "Japanese" will be worse than calling someone who is Jewish a "Nazi" onec the Chinese take control of the media from the Jews
are burka's more oppressive than western standards of physical beauty. There aren't nearly as many who are saying "oh no! no one can see how beautiful I am under this dress that hides all my features more like "thank god no one can tell what an ugly son of a bitch i am under all this shit."

Spinnin Money

"During its heyday, Pablo Escobar's drug cartel spent $2,500 per month on rubber bands for bricks of cash."
the easiest time to lie to someone is when you first meet them (teach people how to be caustious of first impressions)
if you have insessantly distractin noisy neighbors, build insulation.
a comedian is the type of person who in real life will make the joke even if it hurts their side of the argument

subtle entendre

subtle entendre
mo money mo problems is only true because if you don't have money your only problem is that you need money. once that is satisfied you have to move up maslow's hierarchy to the multitudes of existential problems.