Tuesday, May 19, 2020

One of the easiest things to remember is the play-by-play of a game you experienced. Especially a game in which you exhibit mastery. 
This is a reason chess grandmasters seem to have such impressive memories while the average NBA players exhibits a similar level of skill. 

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Friday, May 8, 2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020

They compare gun laws between the us and countries lake Japan. But what they forget is that in Japan everyone already knows karate. They're armed and dangerous 24/7. Every Japanese citicen carries two leathel weapons at all times. When you know that even the most feeble 85 year old can pull your heart out your esophagus with a pluck of a chopstick, all of a sudden, your'e showing a lot more respect.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

create calling cards to leave behind that say "Happy to be back in your mind. Just reminder that you've never left my heart."
a kid runs out of school to go to the woods to secretly draw a picture of Muhammed in the sand. Out of nowhere musselman repels from the trees. He pulls out a long blade and asks, "Is that a drawing of Muhammed" No, the boy says waveringly. Then who is it?! Boy decays into a diatribe on the existential discussion bout the meaning of truth in perspective and rt. He rambles for over a minute s the video unfocuses and fades to black.
what would it look like if fill my neck with gold rings
Turtles<Chinese people who recycle straws and turn them into hats. 
Porn but it's shot like a spaghetti western. Back and forth zoom head shots