Monday, January 18, 2016

advice for college freshmen Initiate conversations to trade contact information. Become a central port for party information. People, especially freshmen, are always looking for parties. Most people do not expand beyond their immediate groups. However the peak ability to gain contacts from disparate groups is the first few weeks of freshman year. Anyone you sit next to in any context could initiate a conversation where contact info could be shared. The more numbers you gather and give away the stronger your abilities to: create parties, scope out the best spot, flexibility in decisions at any moment in a night. you can be the connection between groups like ken-ex.


If one good nba player decided to sear old school shorts he would make millions through increased brand awareness
The Sumner Standard, published "OUR OBJECTIVE: BANISH JAPS FOREVER FROM THE USA" on the front page for over 2 years straight
Asian girls should be the funniest demographic because they are stereotyped as always giggling behind open hands
The worst part about learning to play an instrument is that I can't stand the sound of poorly performed music more than I have determination to persevere
5 genders that each pair off into different types of combonations
You god damned ungulate, you hinny bastard

