Sunday, July 31, 2016

When analyzing a reflexive response, ask yourself, what am I trying to rationalize or defend. If I am disproportionately on one side than the other, am I attempting to hide irrationality from my consciousness.

The Discontinuation of Wheaties Leave millions of 80 year old men with nothing to eat for breakfast

To a large swath of population, the pokeball is more recognizable than the yin yang

Monday, July 25, 2016

A writing exercise where you think of a thing and the you think of the least likely place it could be, then you try to explain the story of how it came to be

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Saturday, July 16, 2016

"A crisis is not the time to learn new things." -Holly

"Faint hearts never won fair ladies"- Robin Hood

do you ever get scared by the lack of control that you have over other people? Someone you are talking to could just decide, in a moment, to punch you in the face, or announce your biggest secret to the world\

Friday, July 15, 2016

I think my own thoughts are more interesting than others mostly due to topicality

A three way debate about the value of $

Sunday, July 10, 2016

have you ever used the battery cover on your tv remote as a spoon because you didn't want to get up
Kids named Rafi and dreams of banana phones

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Friday, July 8, 2016

meaning requires agreement between communicable properties over symbolic imagery
the reason that we don't have memories before we are 2 is because our memories are not conscious thoughts, you are learning how to chew food, how to move your arms, muscle memories. I bet you still remember how to do those things
movie that quickly tangents into disparate genres. a romantic comedy where all of a sudden the guy gets shot by a sniper and the gril becomes the lead in an action move which then becomes a legal drama