Friday, August 19, 2016

Garden State Isle

I think I might be the only person who has ever checked out of the grocery store with only    Nutella, salsa, pear flavored jelly beans and chicken hearts.

How many purchase combo's are possible and how many have occurred

Garden State Isle

I think I might be the only person who has ever checked out of the grocery store with only    Nutella, salsa, pear flavored jelly beans and chicken hearts.

How many purchase combo's are possible and how many have occurred

Like doing a three point turn on the Titanic

3 in 1

Banana juice 1. Juice made of banana's 2. Juice to put on a banana 3. Semen

Greater than

There's more numbers than...
Fingers on your hand chairs in the room people at my school

Business Camping Trip

Find a house with really high weekend rental potential then live in it on weekdays and go camp on weekends.