Sunday, December 1, 2013

A pen out of Ink

What is the feeling when you finish a bar of soap, or run out of in in a pen. Why don't you feel it when you the roll of toilet paper has only 1 square? A woodsman feels it when he sharpens his axe, dull from a day full of splitting. A job completed. Is its opposite why it feels good to be prepared? If overdone are you cheating the system by rewarding yourself for something you haven't earned? Is it the opposite of OCD? The cure for OCD?

Mermaid Bummer

Christopher Columbus, who thought mermaids were real, went to the waters around Haiti, and wrote in his logbook that he had seen three mermaids. He said that they were not as beautiful as everybody said they were. Nowadays, people believe Christopher Columbus had actually seen three manatees. It is possible he saw them kissing one another, which is something they do when the meet each other in the water.