Friday, January 20, 2012


Faith is like standing in the middle of a fire and the only thing keeping you from burning is that you don't believe it can. You start to imagine the heat and you don't know how long you can last because as soon as you give in, even a little, you burn up and get sucked in forever.


Killing is the act of turning an animate object into an inanimate object.
Is there a word for doing the opposite?

Unsure Facts

Sometime's I'm not sure about a fact but I will still use it in in a conversation. My fear is that someone will remember they learned it from me and pass on the knowledge to someone else.

Everyone Dream

One of the best things about dreams is that they are accessible to anyone at anytime.


A movie about a a social group of tailors and seamstresses. When the characters interact they wear outfits made for them by the host.

Possibly murder mystery using clothes as clues?

Bike Rack

Make your own bike rack that you can dismantle, and put it in a public place.

Mrs. President

If the president became pregnant, would it be prudent to have an abortion?

Free Will

The problem with free will is not that you have an inability to make choices, it is that you can't choose your process for choosing.

Psychology Students

"Psychology students" is the group of people that we know the most about.