Monday, June 30, 2014

smore core

smore core
what have you made with your hand that's paid you a grand
my favorite candy is pop rocks, more foods should have that effect.


i think calling a girl a slut is equal to calling a guy a stud so its fine that i use it

no choke

what i wrote down flows louder than a smoke cloud, id choke but don't know how

hold up

I don't like asking people I've just met about their lives and who they are, lets just discuss random topics and see how you hold up in conversation before I decide to get emotionally invested in your life story

pro life

aborration- abortion


we got quarrels
list of non linear diagnostic tools


a character who never had his umbilical cord cut.
white guy born in india moves to us, gets telemarketing job, meets incredulity.

gay gang

i think gay guys should team up and start an inner city gang, they would strike a deep fear in all opposition. this was the unspoken underlying plot in the warriors, everyone dressed in costumes in disguise to pretend to be gay.
explain how learning to cook mexican food is like wax on wax off, you don't think you are learning shit but all of a sudden you know everything


did you know that the most common guy's name in armenia is? Armen, that's like if the most common name in kentucky was kent, other examples

poor ringo

conversation topic, ringo's self esteem
i wanna hold your hand remix

Anthony Chalo

anthony davis is the new frida kahlo

uni cycle

stationary unicycle exercise for balance/core exercise

grand theft

I stole your car and it wasn't even grand theft


make multiple slight variations of the same song over different beats to give the illusion of choice

no fatigue from pull ups

luca parmitano- "I do not fatigue from pulling up"

Guy gets xray glasses that work but still have that stupid swirl so its immediatly obvious to the audience but only gradually so to the girls he's around. We never see his perspective and eventually discover he was just faking

Shade glasses

Shade glasses for seeing in the dark

Rasmussen follow up questions for the street, poll 100 people and do jump cuts for reponsese where you ask them to reiterate the question

Thursday, June 26, 2014

math stories with gruesome but removed deaths. exe. you are in a square room with four sheer walls on each side. Each wall is 4 Feet wide and and buried an undetermined distance below the dirt floor. How far down would the prisoner be able to dig in hopes to tunnel under the walls and what type of material would be necessary for which distances. (solution, stairs?) trick question, give an impossible number down to reach and have the solution be that there is no roof and you must build stairs to climb over the walls
if you think of christianity as thoughtfully constructed to help the masses, why is the most important lesson to forgive yourself (through christ)?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dear abby

An advice column where the advice given is always the same, rediculous advice, set ups become increasingly reach so that advice stays pertinent


i'm a self professed autodidact it sounds redundant but actually isn't

podcast idea

podcast that dissects jokes that tow the line of profanity

norm podcast

norm, its guest you have on who don't understand when you are doing a bit who are more interesting to talk to because you can towe the line so well


confident for rap ignorant confidance for comedy how to be confident (search inside)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Become the andy Kaufman of youtube by living disperite extreme moments that you instigated

Gary larson style comic Show clown inside of his  bosses office, boss is plain clothed. Caption reads "More Razzle less Dazzle

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Does the carpet ever match the curtains? Is there someone walking around with a head of hair that looks like pubes?

Does fertilizer go bad?
How would you know, either way it smells like shit similar to jim gaffigan bit on fish

Thursday, June 19, 2014

gene wild

gene wilder in mr rodgers biopic, surrounded by incompetent production exploding in anger off scenes like christian bale

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Save the bears

To save the polar bears we must eat them and market them as a delicacy

climbing parody

climber lingo parody as owen wilson

animal strip tease

blue footed booby dance porn, different animal dances

most common lies

examples of everyday lies

runnin fridge

you dont get wrong numbers anymore
make stand up video with cut scenes from buddy hacket days so jokes seem extra funny
im on the main foot path, put back from the remains of a train track
some minorities are bigger than others there are more gay people than white people

louie absurd

tickets to the ice capades coming out your nose make a sign for louie "long haired freaky people need not apply i eat everything chicago style yeah

classroom joke theme

jokes designed to improve model classroom or enlighten teaching styles


I make it rain, blow money

Monday, June 16, 2014

for what?

turn down for what spray paint extender

racist soccer

soccer is great because it gives you an excuse to be racist, "god damn ___"

optimal cardio exercise

what scale running investment is worth what lowered heart rate on 1 billion heart beat curve


grey poupon triumph insult comic dog, "this is a beautiful sandwich, for me to poupon!"


kazaam wishes, ask shaq is the candy was real a genie has to grant the first and second wish with no tricks so that you don't become spiteful and hold on to the third

Saturday, June 14, 2014

They say jesus died for our sins. What does that mean? If I don't sin did he die in vain? Its like all our sins he put on his tab. You'd feel like a jerk ordering as much as you can, but everyone else seems to be doing it.
It basically means that you can always be forgiven and past bad behavior does not doom you to repeat your actions.

Friday, June 13, 2014

I replaced the springs in my mattress with the springs from my trampoline, its a lot easier to jump out of bed in the morning.

Do you think loan sharks are lonely?  gary larson style comic showing the annual meeting of loan sharks and they are all sitting a considerable distance from one another


I went to the doctor to ask him to get rid of these strange bumps on my legs. He said those are your knees (read needs) I said its more of a request.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day, unless your clock is a sundial.

The ancient Greeks invented the sundial, but how did they tell time at night?
They'd ask someone in china what time it was over there and add 12 hours

history major jokes

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, until they give up and become philisophy majors

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Equate racial separate but equal to sexual, having different bathrooms is wrong. "I had a dream that men and women shared the same bathroom"

Friday, June 6, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

Down to georgia

The devil went down to georgia, so basically chatlie daniels is saying Georgia is below hell. Like it goes heaven earth hell, then Georgia

tywin lannister's story is the most kafkaesque since the bird himself

questions quwstons

im going around the country and i want to see how people feel, whats really on their mind, deeper than they go on most occasions except for a few second glimpses a day during the rare occurances that a real decision must be made

strong mentor

a dying man is a strong honest mentor character

strong mentor

a dying man is the best mentor

questions for anyone? what do i want to learn, what do i want to teach, how to do covertly or overtly

Sunday, June 1, 2014

best things in life

list of best things in life: your kiss

euelogy poem

great eulogy poem the exequy by henry king
who played madea better, judith anderson or tyler perry

you know what my dad used to say

I want to become a father without a child, in order to do this i must assemble a life's worth of "you know what my dad always said" but for myself

learn ene wilder impression

gene wilder impression, mad gameshow host "you get nothing!"

infinite sequals

sequal to 3 men and a baby, 4 men and a baby, 5 men and a baby, 6 men and a baby. oceans 11 was actually the 10th sequel, matt daemon played the baby.