Friday, August 13, 2010

New Holiday

I think that the voting day should be on a national holiday so there would be more incentive and avilibilty to vote on that day.

Inmate Internet

I think it would be a cool social experiment to give all inmates in a prison personal computers and internet access and see what they do with their time. All it would do would be to give them the power of knowledge and communication. Maybe they would become beneficial members of the internet community, or maybe they would all join 4chan.

Comic Photo Book

A comic book with live pictures instead of graphic art.

The Big Unit

Randy Johnson is a great name for a porn star.

Cluttered Life

Life has too many layers of detail and context to easily capture in art without appearing cluttered.

Lollipop Head

People shouldn't have hair if they want someone to come close with their mouth. Hair should be used as an out of bounds line. This is why I grew a beard, to keep all kissing centered on the mouth. This is also why I don't care about armpit hair. I think guys who shave themselves bald like to have their heads licked like lollipops.