Sunday, May 3, 2020

create calling cards to leave behind that say "Happy to be back in your mind. Just reminder that you've never left my heart."
a kid runs out of school to go to the woods to secretly draw a picture of Muhammed in the sand. Out of nowhere musselman repels from the trees. He pulls out a long blade and asks, "Is that a drawing of Muhammed" No, the boy says waveringly. Then who is it?! Boy decays into a diatribe on the existential discussion bout the meaning of truth in perspective and rt. He rambles for over a minute s the video unfocuses and fades to black.
what would it look like if fill my neck with gold rings
Turtles<Chinese people who recycle straws and turn them into hats. 
Porn but it's shot like a spaghetti western. Back and forth zoom head shots