Monday, January 6, 2020

You ever have one of those days where you never turn the lights on.
And I ain't talking bout the summer
You ever throw your keys in the garbage?
What are you? Stupid? That's not where they belong. I've noticed a lot more stupid people lately, I'm thinking about drawing a line. No more fuckin with idiots, no more morons, or maroons, if you're a nincompoop keep walking.
Anyway no more fucking with idiots you know. It's like they're so easily tricked you can see every one of their influences.  If someone has no free and independent thought, how can you give me concent. I feel like if every action is manipulated.
Why would you do that, you probably needed them later.
Have you ever needed a cord for something and you ask yourself, I wonder if I already have it?
You never have it, you have all these cords just in case and they're never the right ones
Is it wring to have sex with someone who is mentally handicapped, where do you draw the line?

if you were gonna make a crown of thorns for jesus, do you think you'd do a good job?