Wednesday, May 28, 2014

i don't believe i'm better than a criminal, just that i haven't encountered the same temptations (there but for the grace of god go i)
is prison slavery? a world where the punnishment for breaking the law is slavery to the person you harmed

eye for an eye

what kind of actions would be necessary for society to forgive each cardinal indiscretion. child murder, give one of your own children, your child isn't as good, go through the progressive discussion of what would make up indiscretion. how about what could make up for rape? theft is easier, (what about blasphemy (not to be confused with obscenity)the reason the church would accept money as pentance payment is that the discretion didn't actually harm anyone)

genie pranks

a story about the history of a prankster genie and how he tricked people who made poor wishes, exe if you could fly but your max speed was like 1 mph, wish for so much money that the currency goes bankrupt, good intentioned wishes like savin the rainforest or global warming or racism or overpopulation resulting in modest proposal type solutions exe magic carpet turns bald man into werewolf magician

very merry

tell every audience it's my birthday, or unbirthday, today instead of doing celebrity birthdays, celebrity unbirthdays

"thanks obama"

a collection of people playing the system who are no longer able and they all say "thanks obama" sarcaastically advertisment for democrats

southern insult

does this place serve biscuts? cause i feel like im lookin at a goddamn barrel full of crackers

yeah right!

i gotta learn an owen wilson impression

flag day

pitch a holiday movie for underappreciated holiday (this flag day)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Topic, what age should kids get their own computer?

Real life style action movie with a sword and sharpenrd staff in the jungle, fight realistic boa, jaguar, and gorilla

Thursday, May 22, 2014

compare having a pet to having a uncle tom slave cats are like field king perspective endorses both actions, uses n word, is activly racist

Monday, May 19, 2014

im bad at remembering names of actors in movies and it makes me seem like a racist

amazing race

an amazing race sketch where people on the street are slow and unhelpful, fred armisen

best and worst animals to be male or female

best seahorse (give birth) big fish (leech life) and worst bee (leech life more extreem, worker to reward ratioi, counter with ability to seee and enjoy flowers more than any person) kangaroo (pouch, counter with fighting story) animal to be the guy and girl, end with humans and where you think we lie inbetween

cheesecake factory

cheesecake factory is a success because cakes made with love had oversaturated the market


pitbull always looks like an impersonator of himself. thats how he got famous, he can be in many places at once

Thursday, May 8, 2014

business within silicon valley where everyone dresses like 30's gangsters all the time

ice prank

fill refrigerator ice machine with something other than ice exe cherries

non linear testing brainstorm

abstract nonlinear testing, et data from wrong answers, it the person guessing? did they make a common mistake? what was that mistake and what are the most common mistakes? break apart what each question is asking the greatest difficulty will be recognizin all the different kinds of mistakes. we want to identify gaps in knowledge rather than successes. more difficult questions with lower full success rate but encourage partial credit multiple choice make more questions with multiple parts but keep knowledge areas more discrete (not having answers build on one another) aptitude tests that also help to diagnoise psychological problems multiple choice math should be word bank instead?

custom ads

customize each podcast advertisement by directing it towards a very specific target market.

born sucker

there's a sucker born every minute so i stay away from hard candy cause im a vegan

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

comedy bits based on disliking a common comfort, exe. "does anyone else hate blankets?"


story of positive miracle held within larger well known disaster exe krakatoa saved a guy from going to jail.

Real survivor

survivor type show with military level professionals and extreme level contests. how far can a human be pushed

What is collusion?

are tariffs and minimum wage a form of collusion?

Friday, May 2, 2014

man is by nature gregarious he feels himself to be member of a herd, even when he is alone in his room with the curtains drawn. His mind retains the patterns which have been stamped on it by the group influences

i know what you're thinking

begin every sentence with, I know what you're thinking, exe. "I know what you're thinking, why, are banana's so slippery? Because thatas how it defends itself in the wild! Now I know what your' thinking, why isn't banana a color like orange? becasue lemons are the better fruit now i know what your thinking etc."


i don't wanna get a gun because i believe in checkov

Your adulation is isolating


A Talk show that takes place in vegas so you can hear all the stories trapped in the city.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sports anouncer character who is always paing attention to what the bench is doing

You know how the stereotype for stoners is watching tv lounging in a overplush couh, eatin nacos or some other garbage.
You know your  when you realize you've been watching tv from your kitchen cause you went to get food but now your stuck inbetween making sure your food doesn't catch on fire and you can still pay attention to shaq

When people "thank god" its metaphisical nature seems out of place next to frinds  family. "I'd like to thank divine interruption,"

Wood brim hat. Sat Essay prompt. What is clutch?
Apply spaghetti theory to standardized testing.