Sunday, February 23, 2020

18 h in a GC genius test but all for drugs
Remember Quiznos?
What's going on with Quiznos? It's not looking good.
Quiznos was doing good when they were the first to realize you could toast the bread.
But then Subway stole the quiznoifacation technology. You might not remember this but before 2005 if you wanted you sandwich quiznoed, you had to go to Quiznos. 
Now I can Quiznos a sandwich by myself at home 

realized that they could just buy a toaster, toast wasn't patented or anything.

Measuring time in Barney
Dance instructional videos never tell you what to do with your face.

In ballet my student had to dance sad or mad for the whole dance and holding it was the hardest part
They say you loose 80% of your heat out your head. But how much of that is your kneck?
Top of your head's got hair on it to keep you warm. your neck? Completely exposed to the elements. 
And where does your neck stop and head start.
For some of us it's less clear, especially in the front. In the back nobody knows. 
Ok I'm going to do some audience participation. 
Tell me when I get to the top of my neck. Say when.
(Use microphone as indicator and slowly slide up the back of the head over the top and down.)