Monday, July 30, 2012


Perfection is universal and therefore contains no individualism. I consider any action performed les perfectly, in that precise way becomes our own individual dance. I consider any behavior that is less than perfect to be a dance of individualism

New Therapy

Intensive therapy where you force someone to recognize the disconnection between what they think they want and what they really want by making a list of every like and dislike and an explanation This will allow for all opinions to be modernized from childhood ignorance. When people are cognizant of their opinions they are often inconsistent with their unconscious opinions, this disconnect causes discomfort in every decision. You avoid this by making all opinions stated and explicit.

Office Parachute

How quickly could you make a parachute out of office supplies?

When I Grow Up

What it is you want to do when you grow up changes as you get older first I choose what would be fun then I choose what I would be good ad then I choose things I think are important/match values

Rapper Body

Rap the only media source making a difference in fighting back against eating disorders

Kid Magic

A magician for kids who only uses preoperational concepts.
Person 1: I think it is important for people of all viewpoints to be respected and their opinions to be taken into consideration Person 2: I disagree


Late, damn I hate this incinerate dank while I wait for my mate to piss

In Between

People who strong ability to communicate with people who speak a different language are a specialists at living in “the space between”.

The Mask

Perspective is a mask I wear so that I can live within different ranges of perspectives simultaneously. Until I have to make a decision/action/behavior than then I have to decide which cliché I want to hide behind or if I should be completely honest, if I even can.


my tacit flow has classic pros tryna master my meter my beat

Counter Culture

I dislike counterculture as a form of rebellion because it is too cliché real rebellion is random

Make the Smart Choice

16 or 32 pack of chess set beers


Real honesty is telling truth before you have to


Have you ever been so tired that you try to just blink really fast and hope it adds up?


That girl got a tiara sittin nonchalant she’s made up without mascara, a real debutant

Scrappy licks

I’m lickin up the scraps then I’m scrapin for the liquor

High as the Sky

How high is the sky? Not as high over here as it is over there
At the beginning of summer you wear your most revealing clothes until you get a tan line and then you progressively more covering clothes until its Christmas Eve and you can't put your arms down.

Pushing the Limits

To truly be able to express yourself within a medium you need to be aware of its constraints, in searching for them you can attempt to expand them and advance the entire medium or create a new one.

T-shirt text

Jackass style prank where a mischievous person has control of the text on another person on the street’s shirt.

Fractal Magic

Would it be possible to make a fractal magic eye?
A list of an people's heroes can be extremely culturally informative.

Foot Fetish

The part of your brain that is in charge of sensory perception from the genitals is right next to the part for the feet, maybe this explains the prevalence of foot fetishes.