Monday, December 23, 2013

Kevin Nealon

When Kevin Nealon was on the Merve Griffin Show, which answers were canned?

Not heaven

What do people want to hang out with jesus up in heaven for? Is he like really good flag football player or something? Jesus always gets goes first when you play. Doesn't that mean that Jesus might not be on my team?. That's not heaven! Jesus throwin allyoops. getting dunked on by members of your family, even your dog up in heaven. playin like air bud. That's low man, your own dog. Tough to gaurd too. You're runnin around tryna box out meanwhile Jesus being that pass first point gaurd you knew he would be lob city to your grandma who's sticking her tongue out like MJ. That's not heaven! And thats why im no longer a Christain. But seriously.

New "Hip"

did you just get a "hip" replacement

Sweet Mt Range

Sugar vs rock candy mts