Monday, November 25, 2013

nose blows

A guy who never learned to blow his nose, instead of keeping a handkerchief he uses a baby suction, zach galafinaks style, oblivious to performing an embarrassing act

Woody Ray Allen

A Woody Allen Joke. My friend invited me to go play basketball I'm not very good I enjoyed watching but I don't play very well. I can't dribble, my shot is terrible, I always hits the inside of the rim and bounce around. terrible basketball player but a terrific lover

Dumb fish

Aquarium fish are the dumbest fish like what feral children are to human that's what like these fish are to the already stupid fish.

Be don't have

why do childhood job aspirations, they want to be the best, not have the best

how to act

real acting is not, what is my motivation, but what am i trying to motivate in my fellow characters. Actors are selfish and frequently stumble over this.

Penis name

Freud's nickname for his penis was weltanschlauung