Monday, December 30, 2013

Changing impact

people who made money aint in the history books, its people who changed things.

#1 Brain Drain

#1 most ignorant thing in the world. Every american teacher designs their own curriculum. Biggest impact to collective intelligence


what has more layers than the ocean? our ability to perceive

Tversky intelligence test

Sci fi story where going into the matrix is an option like donating plasma and becomes increasingly enticing like the opium den in incepton

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Jeff Goldblum's watch

Insult: hey Jeff Goldblum get a watch! Then at least you'll know what time it is

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Homophobia in males based on rape fear


Jack black captain underpants
Actually make it kyle

Fart man

How big can a character be who all his punchlines are farts.
captain underpants or Southpark?

man scent

hardware store cologne

Universal perspective

When people ask if I care about the environment I don't think that they are realizing their selfish perspective of "the environment". When they say mother earth is bleeding they really mean that it is becoming less favorable for the current people living here. There is no subjective better or worse environment when your perspective is no longer limited to a single species. A change that might be bad for humans might be more optimal fro some other species. Or vice versa. All environments are + from the perspective of the universe.

KKK Schizo

A story about infiltrating KKK and finding they are all litearal schizo that need help

Future Alcoholics

A short story about the future of alcohol in society when we have cars that drive themselves

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

Kevin Nealon

When Kevin Nealon was on the Merve Griffin Show, which answers were canned?

Not heaven

What do people want to hang out with jesus up in heaven for? Is he like really good flag football player or something? Jesus always gets goes first when you play. Doesn't that mean that Jesus might not be on my team?. That's not heaven! Jesus throwin allyoops. getting dunked on by members of your family, even your dog up in heaven. playin like air bud. That's low man, your own dog. Tough to gaurd too. You're runnin around tryna box out meanwhile Jesus being that pass first point gaurd you knew he would be lob city to your grandma who's sticking her tongue out like MJ. That's not heaven! And thats why im no longer a Christain. But seriously.

New "Hip"

did you just get a "hip" replacement

Sweet Mt Range

Sugar vs rock candy mts

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Scifi seriese

Scifi series that's around man creating  invention like time travel and using it to get ladies ala groundhogday or somefing.


the essence of peas- peaness

Asian tourists excessive camera use is cover for spys

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nose no

Q:Could you Gogol that for me? A: Got your nose!

Dostoevsky "The Idiot"

I'm having difficulty quoting my favorite novel without making the author look like an idiot. "Beauty will save the world'-Dostoevsky "The Idiot"

Air and life are potent hallucinations and death is the true awakening.

How does current life play as investment for future life? Maybe 2nd life new things can not enter the senses, your brain cannot create new but is frozen?

Friday, December 13, 2013

the meaning of life is childhood?

rube goldberg curse

rube goldberg cursed my mind, i choose a topic and watch my mind fall through topics like dominoes.


Obtain limo and limo drivers license wear disguise and pick up talk show guests talk with them and mine for convo to replay during show

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Don't uses beings as adjectives.  Retarded, gay, etc

We should teach people to avoid tones rather than outlaw bad words

Look up website on google to avoid accidental porn. Quit advertising with the spelt out website give us the google wearch

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


with music these days i have a playlist for everything. Does anyone here have a playlist for porn? (set up for funny examples) 80's porn is rediculous enough witout yakkity sax over it

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


i am like the modern incarnate of bob dylan ya know, cause he was just, like a rolling stone and im just like rolling, and Im stoned.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A pen out of Ink

What is the feeling when you finish a bar of soap, or run out of in in a pen. Why don't you feel it when you the roll of toilet paper has only 1 square? A woodsman feels it when he sharpens his axe, dull from a day full of splitting. A job completed. Is its opposite why it feels good to be prepared? If overdone are you cheating the system by rewarding yourself for something you haven't earned? Is it the opposite of OCD? The cure for OCD?

Mermaid Bummer

Christopher Columbus, who thought mermaids were real, went to the waters around Haiti, and wrote in his logbook that he had seen three mermaids. He said that they were not as beautiful as everybody said they were. Nowadays, people believe Christopher Columbus had actually seen three manatees. It is possible he saw them kissing one another, which is something they do when the meet each other in the water.