Sunday, November 10, 2013

Why aren't there new vegetables? They crows fruits like pluots but I've never seen a crossed vegetable. That's because vegetables suck. Would you eat a "grotesque exemples with funny combo names"

Stealing chainsaw

What do you stiel (chainsaw)

Model trains

I heard last week you fucked a model... train. Choo choo

emasculating insults

If I went for a low blow my foot might get stuck in your fat cunt.
If I tried to kick yiu in the crotch...

Did you hear the guy who invented the segway died when it took him off a cliff?
That segue was Almost as bad as the one you just tried

Short bus

Short bus driver, back seat.

How short is the bus you took to school?
You could do a u turn in a drive through.

Lonewolf loanshark

we can go do what you like, I know you like that. Good line or not?

Poor Dale

Dale Earhart Jr had a tough childhood, most people know that his dad Dale died in a car crash but almost no one knows about how his mom Emelia flew into the ocean

Raped in a holocaust shower