Monday, April 29, 2019

When is it too late to change your name.

My dad told me when he turns 70 he's going to go start going by bob

Children are usually led by the example of the family model where having children is the thing to do.

The way I was raised was that adults should have children. And so was everyone else.

Double breasted blue blazers are for Hungarian's

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Arkansas is so unimpressive, their capitol is little rock, they couldn't even get a medium sized rock?

The ground is better than the ocean

When sailors reach land after weeks at sea they kiss the ground.

The main thing I don't like about swimming in the ocean is that you get so wet.
Like maximum wetness.
I mean I went in the ocean this one time, I was soaked.

It's a whole different ground when you're on a boat, gotta get a whole new set of legs. You see, sea legs work on land but land legs don't work that well at sea.
If you have the wrong set of legs when you're at sea, you might vomit.

I had straight A's in school.

Did you graduate from Egg school?

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Monday, April 22, 2019

I just want to be successful enough that if I'm killed it's considered an assassination

Isn't it crazy that you can pluck a certain length string and communicate the same song as blowing into a certain size tube

If a girl tells you she likes your shoes that means she looked you up and down, inside and out, and that's the only redeeming quality she could find but for some reason she feels obliged to say something

Does the supreme Court have a secret service?
How many supreme Court Justices have been assassinated?

Friday, April 19, 2019

I think people's names are funny.
To me every movie is a comedy if you wait  long enough.

A giant natural disaster is almost incomprehensible so the part I'm most not looking forward to is the traffic

Sunday, April 7, 2019

I'm not sure who's nerdier, a mathmetition or a regular magician

Monday, April 1, 2019

What are all the great things about being be a slave owner. + Vs - list

Commercially available mushroom broth.

Tooth mop
instead of brush

What would happen if a country nationalized gymnasiums and made them free to citizens.
What if a state did it, which one would you guess/want.