Tuesday, August 24, 2010


What is more important for the advancement of society, the ability being able to explain a process, or the ability getting the correct answer?

The Money Taboo

There is this economic principle called "The Money Taboo" which basically states that in many cultures it is taboo to discuss an individuals income/expenses. One of the negative results of this taboo is an increase in frictional unemployment because workers are unaware of how much better the job across the street pays, because it is never discussed in polite conversion. I think people should actively attempt to change our culture, in order to improve the economy for the working class. People who make excessive amounts of money will be ashamed, people who make less than competitors will be motivated, and the minimum wage will become more effective as a tool for raising other low wages and benefits.

Coming of Age

I define the "coming of age" period as the time when a youth realizes that they can create their own opinions. At first these opinions are half-hazard, unoriginal and often conflicting. This can lead to poor, misguided and/or confusing actions.
Some youths go through this period briefly and instead of finding their own path, just latch on and imitate those people they look up to or consider successful, frequently parents.


I started writing a eulogy for my dad and then I stopped because I realized how morbid it was. Then I thought that the stuff I had written was pretty good and I might as well hold onto it because I was going to need it eventually. This last thought was so morbid that it convinced me to completely destroy what I had written. But I didn't.

Learn Your Craft

Every day should contain within it at least one attempt to improve at your craft. Otherwise can you truly claim to be passionate about it? I think everyone should have this level of passion towards at least one thing.

Reality Shows

I think that reality shows are just examples of Utopian societies. They allow for the viewing into a world where the larger more important problems are removed and trivial problems are amplified in importance to take their place.

Shallow People

The "shallow people" who don't examine their lives don't really need to examine themselves because they are shallow and boring anyways. I realize this is a circular definition.