Wednesday, August 31, 2016

10 best podcasts Cash with TJ... No ticket Todd Glass with ANthony Jezelnik and Jonah Ray Pod F Tompkast Episode potter WTF Bob Zamuda Hollywood Handbook Sinbad Ricky Gervais, Diary

Animated farside. In 5-10 second clips.

Has any Scandinavian from Minnesota ever been offended that the name of their NFL team is "The Vikings"

Comedy sketch where Bob from sesame Street gets fired by a brash studio executive.

Monday, August 29, 2016

sci fi short story collection about different universe pluralities that All tell the story like groundhog day but with the sci fi change subtly introduced and brought to light, focused because of its deviation from the archetypal story (our universe). The slow revel of what the difference in universes is the point of the stories. The practical pragmatic differences in life with scientific advances. The arch story will cover the most common experiences and be somewhat droll in a pleasantville type of way. story varients -teleportation -mind reading -cloning

Tinder with your therapist

In 50 years you might as well call Trump Millard Fillmore

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How big do I want my fishbowl to be?

Trump Flair

Donald Trump impression, Rick Flair speech

Childish Reviews

Kids say the darnedest things meets movie reviews.
Offer in exchange for free "fun tutoring"
Vocabulary, vocab words of the day. Different kids making different sentences
Current events
Expository writing
Story telling
Oral directions
Logic puzzles

Lead by asking kids what their favorite things are and have them tell you. Pepper in questions to guide.

Practice setting up interview stage. Practice interview with mom. Then Matthews and Patrick. Make Craigslist add.

Ogre in the Living Room

How long does it take to codify an intimate relationship? 6 month s is typical but how many hours? What about a codifying moment. In Harry Potter when Harry and Ron saved Hermione from the ogre it became the reason for their friendship.
I believe that the ogre is a metaphor for rape.


Purposely typos can draw extra attention to important details.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Just like Heaven

What would you think if you saw Hitler in heaven.

Controlled Fixation

Joy stick: A stick from which joy is derived. game controller b. cigarette c. dick

Friday, August 19, 2016

Garden State Isle

I think I might be the only person who has ever checked out of the grocery store with only    Nutella, salsa, pear flavored jelly beans and chicken hearts.

How many purchase combo's are possible and how many have occurred

Garden State Isle

I think I might be the only person who has ever checked out of the grocery store with only    Nutella, salsa, pear flavored jelly beans and chicken hearts.

How many purchase combo's are possible and how many have occurred

Like doing a three point turn on the Titanic

3 in 1

Banana juice 1. Juice made of banana's 2. Juice to put on a banana 3. Semen

Greater than

There's more numbers than...
Fingers on your hand chairs in the room people at my school

Business Camping Trip

Find a house with really high weekend rental potential then live in it on weekdays and go camp on weekends.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

How come when people say they are going to do a Jack Nicholson impression instead they do a terrible Ed McManus impression.

I glide like the ghost of Clyde

Friday, August 12, 2016

masks for swimming so you can breath without getting water splashed in your mouth

Sunday, August 7, 2016

I had a blind date and she told me to meet her at the hospital...

The Awakenings

awakening to your child's potential: the storys of parents and the moments they start to realize that thier child has mental dissabilities and how different parents deal with that impending realization

Friday, August 5, 2016

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Star Trek framing device for sketch comedy

"god bless you very much"

Everything you don't know is Schroedinger cat, with deliverance from ignorance having positive and negative potentialities

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Who said it...
Charlie Sheen or Trump.
"They don't want me to win."

Sieg Heil

The Hitler Salute is one of the greatest greetings of all time. Has any other group or country come up with something similar?

Monday, August 1, 2016

Do Germans make the best game apps

Mark Walhburg hosts antiques roadshow that updates 1990's prices to 2012

Is there any proof that spoilers make you less likely to consume. The metaphor doesn't extend and track.