Thursday, June 30, 2016

The worst thing to keep in plain sight in your car is food. Because impulsive people are more likely to only think one step out

You ever find yourself with a song stuck in your head? that's the worst actually even worse is when that song, that song thats stuck in your head, is like a song that is inappropriate like it has bunch of blasphemous curse words and you work at some kind of place where cursing is frowned upon, like a like a church. That wouldn't be good, you go up to do some preaching and spreading the good word and the church bells are ringing and then you find your foot tapping, tapping to the sound of hymns being sung and you think, "hey, this partcular hymn verse sounds very similar to snoop doggy dog. And you start imagining snoop's lyrics over the church bells, and then all of a sudden the church bells stop ringing, but your imagination is still singing the song. And then you realize that after the song ends that means that now its your turn to talk. So now you're trying to rember some speech you thought up five minutes before the service started, but you cant because your head is riddled with curse words and blasphmy, and maybe you make it through your sermen and the thing with the thing and the song is still stuck in your god damn head, so you decide to start humming the song thinking maybe that will make it go away. But then a member of your congregation a lone sheep in your flock as you would say. And that person is coming up to you for advice on a very serious matter like, their house was burnt to the ground in a fire and all their possesions were engulfed and their children are covered with third degree burns. Meanwhile you still have that song stuck in your head from before, that song with snoop doggy dog. So the person comes up to you and they dont want to just begin a conversation by saying "my house burned in a fire!", they want to eas you into it. So they say something like, "say whats that song you're humming?" and you try to lie but you arent very good because you never practice. And you cant say the truth because you dont want this person, one of your subjects, if you are the object they are your subjects. You dont want them to know who you really are, you want them to know the person that you pretend to be.

or like its not a song that makes you look like you are pretending to see.

How wide would a grave have to be in order for you to be able to dig one six feet deep?
Given that the material you are digging is...
A. Clay
B. Sand
C. Loam
D. Water

Collection of morbid math story problems

podcast where a child "reads" a story and I play uncle bruce

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Saturday, June 25, 2016

We need to legalize child labor so that selling drugs isnt the easiest way for kids to make money.

"my two favorite generas of music are; sonic terrorism and experimental rap" -jacob

Friday, June 24, 2016

A character who discounts reasonable warnings as paranoia because he thinks he is being paranoid from druga

I like "country" "folk"

Belly button sweat

Ask burr about the one child policy

"You have to ask people before you give them hugs, you cant just give hugs to strangers."

"There once was a boy named James. He got slapped in the butt and then he died." -Samantha

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

man in the mirror motion sensor (shnabubla version) music on cues resulting from certain actions around the house ask Vasu
ask a fool an impossible question

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016

dress like willy wonka and go out on the street giving candy to random, well behaving children
hexstat probability fountain

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

If you were a woodchuck, how frequently do you think you would be asked, "how much wood can you chuck?"

For breakfast I had bacon, eggs, toast, sorry I didnt mean to offend you, I know you are a decendant of toast, you come from a very strange family

even if every citizen of the united states had an assault rifle, we still couldn't defend ourselves against martial law enforced by the U.S. military.
a YouTube channel like cinemasins but for cinema successes explain every joke in a movie
A synonym for sin.

Monday, June 13, 2016

dr. vinnie boombats tv show, sketch the other perspective from the rodney jokes
I recently performed for an hour in front of 30,000 people. I performed it on the overpass of a major interstate. Not everyone stayed till the end, aaand not everyone got there on time, aaaaand the acoustics were not ideal. but other than that it went pretty well. Some of my jokes went over their heads.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

LFO>Len (lyte funkie ones) "do you like butter tarts?"

"you dont scare me toilet!" while wearing a clown nose "oink oink im the king" - john
Put an empty sticker outline on your face, "i would vote for president pie and the first thing he would do is ban eating pies. Because he's a pie himself!"  stephen

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sunday, June 5, 2016

How can I have a good day when the Lakers can't beat the Supersonic anymore?
draw dicks on dracula's face but he can't see them in the mirror

Friday, June 3, 2016

"The Native American group known as the Flathead Indians, in fact, did not practice head flattening, but were named as such in contrast to other Salishan people who used skull modification to make the head appear rounder." -

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

so I chose the one less traveled by, and that has made all of the difference. What else was in contention to make a difference? Is his definition of making a difference, your deviations from the standard, unconscious decision. If so, I like it almost as much as William James on DMT.
a wrinkle in optimist prime time